Transport Workers

April 7, 2022
Transport Sector to ‘Scale-Up Recruitment’

Union Urges Transport Sector to ‘Scale-Up Recruitment’

Union urges transport sector to ‘scale-up recruitment’. British Airways cancelled around 100 flights, although the company claimed that only a small proportion of these (5 percent) were directly ...
February 11, 2022
Transport Consultation For Economy

The Workers Union Welcomes Transport Consultation For Economy

The Workers Union Welcomes Transport Consultation For Economy. Union has welcomed the news that the government is consulting on the future skills
July 14, 2021
Union Supports ‘New Deal’ for Lorry Drivers

Union Supports ‘New Deal’ for Lorry Drivers

Union Supports ‘New Deal’ for Lorry Drivers. The Workers Union is supporting a new deal for lorry drivers. The nation’s lorry drivers are an absolutely essential
February 3, 2020
Workers Driven to Strike Action

Transport for London workers driven to strike action

Transport for London workers driven to strike action. Transport for London (TfL) workers will defied their employer and walked out on Friday. Protest at the
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