The Workers Union says ‘British Workers Are Key To Recovery’

The Workers Union says ‘British Workers Are Key To Recovery’

‘British Workers Are Key To Recovery’

‘British Workers Are Key To Recovery’

‘British Workers Are Key To Recovery’

The Workers Union has issued a vote of confidence in British workers by arguing that they are ‘key to the UK’s regeneration and recovery.’

In a statement released this morning, the organisation said that the country must spend less time debating ideology, and more time investing in the genius of the British people.

‘There’s no doubt that our country – in common with many others – has experienced its fair share of difficulties over the last two years. But we must not assume that Britain is irretrievably broken. There’s much more than smoke and debris at the end of our rainbow, we just need to take the blinkers off, abandon discord and pull together, not pull up the drawbridge.’

The announcement comes in the wake of a Confederation of British Industry (CBI) conference speech delivered by director general, Tony Danker, that contended the UK’s regions have been suffering from a ‘benign neglect,’ that has left a ‘branch line economy’ where businesses are concentrated in London and the south-east of England.

Mr Danker went on to say that government and business need to work in partnership to deliver a levelling up agenda. He also added that the changing landscape of work means that ‘we’ve got a shot at redemption, a chance to regenerate with nascent industries – such as biotech, space, and cybersecurity – emerging in all parts of the country.’

The Workers Union says…

The CBI keynote is a welcome shaft of optimism in the run-up to Christmas. It shows that there is growing belief that the seismic events of the last few years can, in fact, be a launch pad to a prosperous future.

What we need now is for government and business to come together and chisel out a long-term vision that jettisons the politics of the north/south divide in favour of mature debate. The development of new technologies and their transformative potential makes this more important than ever.

As we engage in these conversations, we must not lose sight of our greatest asset. The British people have a reputation for excellence that is revered the world over. Yet so much of their potential remains locked up by the belief that the hidden hand of the market is the ultimate arbiter of economic development. To deliver a truly modern Britain that works for everyone, we must be prepared to target investment in parts of the country that the market has failed to reach, delivering training, new skills and new opportunities to workers on the ground.

British workers have the ability and the aptitude to write the next chapter in the success story of these islands. But they cannot do so without a coherent plan for regional development. So, let’s channel the cooperative spirit that has served us so well in the past, and deliver lasting change for our country.

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