Workers Union Says ‘Let the British Lion Roar!’

Workers Union Says ‘Let the British Lion Roar!’

Workers Union Says ‘Let the British Lion Roar!’

Workers Union Says ‘Let the British Lion Roar!’

The Workers Union is encouraging people to get behind Britain and let the British lion roar.

In a heartfelt statement released this morning, a spokesperson for the organisation said: ‘We know that many people are worried about world events – and rightly so. We also know that working people are bracing themselves for the biggest cost of living squeeze in 30 years.

‘Times are tough and nobody should pretend otherwise. But the long and winding road of our island story has seen us overcome adversity before. Throughout our history, we’ve experienced invasion, plague, civil war, economic shocks and world conflagrations. And while many countries are still living with the burdens of the distant past, we have come together as a nation to create the strong and vibrant Britain of today.

‘So we say this to the country: it’s a difficult time for many of us, but the wit, ingenuity and application of British workers will win the day. The British lion may be couchant now, yet with sweat, tears and self-belief it will rise and roar again.’

The union’s statement comes against a backdrop of rising prices fuelled by events in Eastern Europe, inflation outstripping wages and the lingering effects of the pandemic. Current data has inflation running at 5.5 percent, with many commentators expecting it to  surge higher in the coming months.

The Workers Union Says…

It’s easy to be cynical about evoking misty-eyed images of old Albion. However, the Workers Union makes no apology for our choice of headline. We do not consider this a political statement based on an arrogant philosophy of exclusion. Neither is it a mendacious exercise in manipulation. We sincerely believe that the united strength of British workers holds the key to building our country back to prosperity, and the job of legislators and employers is to create the framework in which this can happen without let or hinderance.

That means looking at ways to help people who have been particularly impacted by the pandemic. It means offering flexible working arrangements that reflect the working realities of the 21st century. It means providing better packages of benefits in the workplace that offer a holistic approach to staff wellbeing, not just a monthly pay cheque. And of course, it means reviewing political decisions like the plan to increase the national insurance contributions this April.

All these things are important, but they do not tell the whole story. The spiritual state of the country may be a nebulous concept to many, but it is at the root of how we see ourselves and our potential. By creating a positive outlook in which creativity and innovation flourish, we will put ourselves on the path to grasping the opportunities created by the modern world. It is, therefore, beholden on us to make this idea the centre of national debate and bring the British Lion roaring to its feet.

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